Warranty Reporting

Inspect ITTM is a well recognized consulting firm for stratas and homeowners that require 1-2-5-10 warranty assessments for the 1-2-5-10 new home warranty program. This includes strata common areas 15 month-2-5-10 warranties.


Inspect IT carries out visual Property Condition assessments and provides written reporting for building strata corporations for the purpose of identifying and reporting on:

  • significantly deficient building envelope elements such as foundation, siding, windows and doors, roof edge, fascia and gutters and visible roof slope. The strata will be provided certain questions to determine further issues not part of a common area inspection by survey to assist the analysis.
  • significantly deficient common area major building component issues commensurate with the 15 month and 24-month new home/building warranty program for strata complexes.

The focus of these reports is to conduct a preliminary non-intrusive building assessment to confirm functionality conditions of the building elements based on the particular warranty program/dates. The assessment includes visual assessment for function, wear and tear, open penetration, and evidence of water/ air exfiltration from external view only. From this assessment, any significant issues will be described for further detailed assessment or action. A non-exhaustive general review of construction drawings and the applicable building code pertaining to the building envelope will be conducted to assist in the process. The drawings will have to be provided in PDF form or available on site during the inspection program. We will offer opinions on the mechanical and electrical systems as a courtesy as required.

The key issues in building envelope assessment tend to be:

–          Quality of installation

–          Maintenance issues and product defects

–          Incomplete work

–          Air barrier and Weather barrier inconsistency

The results of the visual assessment will indicate if there are significant issues pertaining to the warranty program that also requires further intrusive assessment or early maintenance.

Generally, our review precludes the need for additional Engineering or trades’ assessment. But should issues of a significant nature be observed, recommendations may include such a need.


Inspect IT personnel have conducted over 28,000 commercial, industrial, residential, and institutional building inspections and project management services in the Okanagan/ Columbia/ Shuswap regions since 1996.  Personnel include Registered Professional Engineers and Registered/ Certified Inspectors with hands on expertise in design, construction, maintenance and project management.