Inspect ITTM will complete visual, non-intrusive site inspections of the building specific components pertaining to the new building warranty program or standards for inspection to professional building inspection standards. This will include inspecting, describing, and reporting on major defects and significant issues in the following building component areas:
- Foundation surfaces where exposed to view
- Surface drainage adjacent to building pertaining to potential water ingress
- Exterior wall including façade, windows, and doors by walking the perimeter
- Roof structure (hidden), membrane where exposed (from a distance due to height and slope safety issues) and attic spaces where accessible
- Building structure where viewed
- Interior fitout – common areas, suites or strata owner spaces when defined
- HVAC, plumbing and electrical systems function.
This can include as an extra service:
- Indoor air quality and mould assessment
- Swimming pool and hot tub function
- Water quality assessment
- Radon potential testing
- Maintenance/ preventative maintenance planning
The inspection will be thorough but not technically exhaustive. Specific code analysis if required will be quoted on an as needed basis. Issues that require additional Professional review will be identified for Client action.
Issues that require additional Professional review will be identified for Client action. Observations will be recorded on an item-by-item, area-by-area basis using non-technical jargon, which includes location, identification of defect, extent of defect, and likely cause of defect.
A annotated digital photo library will be provided of the major components of the buildings and any significant issue observed.
To assist the Client in developing a preliminary maintenance/ preventative maintenance program, this scope will discuss the major maintenance elements of the strata buildings and include an action list broken into “on-going maintenance”, and “additional maintenance” categories. Further, discussion on cause and effect for each maintenance item identified will be provided. The report will include a photo log of the major maintenance areas for ongoing reference.
It is duly noted that a visual inspection is limited to items that can be seen or otherwise reasonably ascertained by a qualified building inspector. If recommended subsequent to the site visit or if the Client requires subsurface/ intrusional testing or analysis, Inspect IT will assist the client and quote the work in identifying the scope of work and assisting in the calling of tenders for undertaking the work. The same holds true for the need for Engineering or Architectural services. This work would be considered in addition to the base scope of work as part of Inspect IT Project Management services.
Further, on direction of the Client, Inspect IT will review as-built construction drawings and the construction file as available at the municipal authorities and provided by client. The file review will assist in ascertaining any complications or non-compliance issues in the construction and permitting process for the warranty components. The drawing review will assist in verifying the major structural elements and envelope of the buildings as well as assist in assessing any particular issues identified in the visual inspection report. This service would be conducted once.
It is recommended that all options be taken if not already being addressed by a qualified professional for the purpose of completing a full Property Condition Assessment prior to warranty ending dates.